laptop pecci | Pecci Filati

Pecci Filati

Pecci Filati, hub of excellence for the production of yarn, embodies the experience and inherits the values of one of the most representative companies in the history of the textile industry of the Prato area: the Lanificio Pecci.

Over a century of enterprise, that incorporated its growth with the Made in Italy worldwide as an expression of excellence in the textile industry of Prato. A century of expertise, holding a value that cannot be simply replicated.

On the creative level as much as on the technical one, research is at the heart of the Pecci Filati.


Yarn brand


Prato (IT)


Web Design





mockup smartphone 1 | Pecci Filati
mockup smartphone 2 | Pecci Filati
mockup smartphone 3 | Pecci Filati
mockup tablet horizontal | Pecci Filati
tablet vertical ok | Pecci Filati
Copia di MAMBO 4500 1 | Pecci Filati

The Brief

The infocommerce is part of a broader project involving the most important Italian yarn brands: Feel The Yarn.

The website structure is divided in two parts: an essential company profile and a complex infocommerce with B2B functionality.

The system is developed to be modular and contains some useful tools a company could need to work from remote. The website has an internal login area where registered users can ask detailed informations about products they have chosen. They can also request a sample, a cloth or a colour chart, while non-registered users can ask for general information.

The website has also a dedicated chat system divided by type of user and by department.

The project milestone is a customized filter with a very accurate selector specially designed for yarn brands.

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